One Year of Posting!

Hey girls!
 Today is a very fun day for me! It is the one-year anniversary of this blog! I can't believe it's been a
whole year!
I know I haven’t really posted faithfully but I’m really hoping that I’ll really get on top of the blogging game! I’m hoping to give more minimalist tips as well as writing tips since I’ve been doing those things a lot. Also scheduling is something I LOVE doing! I do it every week as well as every day and it would be so much fun to write more about that. I’m hoping especially as I get older and get more responsibilities that I will be able to share budgeting tips and stuff like that. I know I’m only fourteen but I love finding the best things that work for our family and sharing them.
I also hope to share even more fashion tips. Maybe I’ll start making videos for hairstyles just so you can see what I’m doing. Last winter I cut my hair too shoulder length and I’m still waiting for it to get to braiding length. It’s almost there and it will be so fun to show you more variety of hairstyles. And my two sisters still at home (Hannah and Rebekah) have different hair lengths that I can use.
Also, one thing I’ve wanted to do forever is workout more. Maybe when I get a routine down I can tell you guys about it.
And of course who could forget to talk about DIYs! I love doing DIYs and I haven’t been doing them as much as I used to! Maybe this blog can motivate me to do more with that! One part of DIYing that I haven’t done much with is cooking. I will admit that I’m not at all a good cook but I do know some really good recipes that you might like (tell me in the comments if you want more recipes!). This week my sister, Rebekah, (who does all the cooking) went to help my grandma, so I had to do all the dinners. It wasn’t that hard when I got the hang of it, in fact, it was fun! So maybe I can share some recipes I do or something!
And finally, the last thing I’m going to talk about is school. As I said earlier I schedule every week as well as every day, so that keeps my schooling going smoothly. But I do have some fun ideas that I would love to share! So that will definitely be coming!

Alright guys, that it for today! Please come back for more exciting stuff! See you on Wednesday!



  1. Sounds exciting! I like your more chatty posts! ;-)

    Hairstyle videos are a great idea! You could also do outfit posts with Hannah and Rebekah. And I'd like to see some cooking posts, too! That would give me meal ideas. :-D


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