August 2018 Weekly Writing Challenge: Write the first chapter to a novel you have no intention of ever finishing.

Check out my sis's blog for her chapter!
The Bolt
   Detective Dave Burgman slowly pulled out his revolver and cautiously walked toward the warehouse. Arron Oscar, his partner, walked behind him, pistol in hand. Slowly he opened the door, once he had checked to see if it was safe he waved his hand toward Arron. Arron was soon at his side.
   "You'll go to the next floor, I'll search down here," Dave told Arron. Arron nodded and walked toward the stairs. Dave looked around the large room, it was empty except for a few old crates.
   A shot rang out from the next floor. "Arron!" Dave yelled, running toward the stairs. He ran up the stairs gun in hand. Carefully he walked into one of the rooms. A man stepped out. "Where is my partner?" Dave demanded.
   "Oh, that scrawny kid?" the man mocked, "He's taking a little nap. But with him out of the way let me introduce myself, my name is Rex Alberts."
   "What have you done with him?"
   "Who? Oh, your little sidekick. I could tell you but is that what you should be worrying about?" Rex said back. Dave felt cold steel on the back of his head, another man healed a gun to his head. "That's my assistant, detective, meet Julian. Now, are you going to act peacefully and drop your gun or are you going to get a bullet in your brain like your little friend." Rex said.
   Dave took a deep breath and dropped his gun, the man behind him grabbed his hands and tied them behind his back.
   "Now, my dear sir, you should know that running into someone's space is rude and illegal," Rex said.
   "Well, you are charged with grand theft, robbery, assault, assaulting an officer, trespassing,"
   "Okay, you've made your point." Rex interrupted, "But every one of those so-called crimes I've used for the greater good."
   "Greater good? You'll have to fill me in a little." Dave replied.
   "Well," Rex sighed, "I'll just show you." He opened up a circuit box and ripped off the front. Then he stuck his hand in and started electrocuting himself.
   "What is he doing?" Dave asked.
   "Just wait," Julian said.
   Rex let go and dropped on the floor. After a few seconds of silence, he slowly stood up.
   "How are you not dead?" Dave wasn't sure to be horrified or amazed.
   "The electricity brings out the power," Rex said. He walked over to an old forklift, then did the impossible, he lifted it and threw it through the wall, crushing the cement outside.
   "How did you..." Dave's voice trailed off.
   "I guess it won't matter if you know." He turned to Julian, "Untie him. He won't be any trouble now" Turning back to Dave he said, "You want to know how I got my power, I'll show you. Just follow me."


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