
 So, there's a lot that I'm thinking about for my blog, so I'm going to give you a general update!

30-Day Writing Challenge
 The last time I posted one of the 30-Day Writing Challenge was August 31st, that quite a while. Sorry, I've been kinda busy the last few months, but not too busy to not be writing. I am still working on the next story "Write a story from an animal's perspective", and that will come out soon, hopefully.

 So, I've been making a lot of videos recently, well, if you didn't know, I have a Youtube channel so that's why I've been posting them twice a week. I post on there Mondays and Friday. I do hair, fashion, and soon DIYs, so, basically stuff I would do on here but now it's movies!

Others Blogs
 You probably know about my other blog, My Life. If you do follow it you know that my brother and I have a blog called MATTLAD (the name comes from Matthew (Matt) and me (Lad, a name Matthew gave me). We mostly post movies on there but we do have other stuff! And MATTLAD also has a Youtube channel!

This Blog
I really love writing and blogging but it's been getting harder since starting two new Youtube channels. I really love making movies and I feel like that's where I want to go. So, I'm not stopping this blog, maybe posting less often.

I hope you enjoyed!


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