Tips for Schooling Through the Summer

 Being homeschooled I normally would do school through the summer. It might have been because I didn't do it faithfully in the school year or just cause I love schooling. Either way, I normally end up doing some school in the summer, which can be hard to schedule since the summer is kinda a crazy time. So here are some ideas I have that help me be on top of doing school through the summer whether you're doing a reading project or working on some worksheets!

1. Schedule, Schedule, Schedule! I really can't stress enough how amazing it is to schedule your school out! I do it year round and it works! Start by writing out what you're going to do in a day. Everyone's personality is different so don't feel like you have to read ten chapters a day, just do what you know you can handle. Then schedule out your week writing out what you need to do each day. I've done so many scheduling plans and this one is the easiest to keep on top of cause it's so simple!
Here's my whole week planned out. This planner is really simple it just has spaces for every day of the week and so I write what school I have to do each day at the beginning of the week.

And at the beginning of each day, I write my list of things I need to do.

2. Don't Get Distracted! I know if I let myself get on Pinterest before I start my school I'll never end up doing my school! So make sure that your doing your school then let yourself have time on Pinterest. In the picture above you might have noticed that on my list some of the things say computer in parentheses. This means I have to do it before getting on the computer. It's a really big help because whenever I want to get on the computer I'll check and see if I've finished everything and if I haven't then, well, I can't get on. It's a great motivation and you can use it for school or really anything else!

3. Make It Fun! If it's completely textbooks and writing assignments your not going to like it. Now I know a lot of you might not like school anyway but if you make it fun it can be a little easier. For instance, I like to make some fun school notebooks or instead of reading a boring science textbook you could grab something a little more interesting that still talks about science like some Ken Ham books.
 Also, I do some of my school on the computer so I listen to some fun music. I try to stay away from vocal because I end up just singing so stick to some upbeat fun instrumental music. =)

4. Give Yourself Breaks! Science has proven that if you school for three hours straight you won't get as much knowledge as if you took breaks. Maybe you could school for forty-five minutes and then take a five to fifteen-minute break. It helps so much with being able to comprehend what you're doing and it's always nice to take a few breaks.

 Wheather your homeschooled, public schooled, or not in school you can use these tips! I hope you enjoyed! Tell me in the comments what you want to see next!


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